Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"There's NO Muslim There"

Two men were on a plane on a business trip when a Muslim couple boarded the plane and were seated right in front of them. The two men, eager to have some fun, started talking loudly. "My boss is sending me to Saudi Arabia", the one said, "But I don't want to go...too many Muslims there!"
The Muslim couple noticeably heard and grew uncomfortable.
The other guy laughed, "Oh, yeah, my boss wanted to send me to Pakistan but I refused...WAY too many Muslims!" Smiling, the first man said, "One time I was in Iran but I HATED the fact that there were so many Muslims!"
The couple fidgeted.

The other guy responded, "Oh, yeah...you can't go ANYWHERE to get away from them...the last time I was in FRANCE I ran into a bunch of them too!"

The first guy was laughing hysterically as he added, "That is why you'll never see me in Indonesia... WAY too many Muslims!"

At this, the Muslim man turned around and responded politely, "Why don't you go to Hell?", he asked, "I heard there's NO Muslim THERE!"

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“They rob your money. They take your land. They steal contracts. But when we give cows to the poor, they want to charge us,”
Pesan Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam kepada Uthman bin ‘Affan radhiyallaahu ‘anhu berkaitan Sunnah dalam sebuah kepimpinan:


“Wahai Uthman, seandainya suatu hari nanti kamu dilantik oleh Allah mengendalikan urusan kepimpinan ini, dan kaum munafiq mahu menanggalkan pakaian engkau yang Allah pakaikan kepadamu, maka JANGANlah engkau menanggalkannya!” [riwayat Ibn Majah]