Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can married women fall in love?

Anything can happen in the office. I remember during my working days, I attended a counseling seminar. I was asked to be the councilor and a colleque of mine the counselee. And I want this to be the topic of my writing.
During the session she asked "can a married women fall in love?". She said that she was in love with a colleque in the office. To her it was just puppy love and just to have fund being in love. She stressed that it was only plain love and nothing sexual. They would go out to lunch together. They talk about getting married and have kids. The man (also married) even wants to see the husband to talk about the matter.
From my experience as a man, a woman can easily be misled by a man through his words. He may be a very honest man, but when it comes to the bed he is a great liar. In a woman's mind she only thinks about companion. But in a man's mind, he only thinks about sex. From the above scenario, the man is very smart. To ask the woman for sex, he uses a polite word like let's get married and have kids. And to show that he loves the woman he talks about marriage and even willing to meet the husband. This is because he knows that the woman dare not ask her husband. Actually what he wants is having a free sex. To him there is no responsibility in having sex with married women.
From the above scenario if the woman thinks that it is only plain love and there is nothing sexual about it, she may be wrong. Sex is the fulfillment of love, just like icing to the cake. At that moment she may not think about sex, but in times to come the chances of making love with him is very great. A man may have sex with a woman without love, but for a woman she will only have sex with a man she loves. Of course I cannot deny that there are exceptions.
So ladies, you should not fall for this trap. There is no way he will divorce his wife and marry you. If you want to find out whether he really loves you, arrange for him to meet with your husband. I can guarantee you he will find many excuses.

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“They rob your money. They take your land. They steal contracts. But when we give cows to the poor, they want to charge us,”
Pesan Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam kepada Uthman bin ‘Affan radhiyallaahu ‘anhu berkaitan Sunnah dalam sebuah kepimpinan:


“Wahai Uthman, seandainya suatu hari nanti kamu dilantik oleh Allah mengendalikan urusan kepimpinan ini, dan kaum munafiq mahu menanggalkan pakaian engkau yang Allah pakaikan kepadamu, maka JANGANlah engkau menanggalkannya!” [riwayat Ibn Majah]