Friday, October 8, 2010
Beauty of Islam
Beauty of Islam
I must admit that my knowledge of Islam is very minimal and I have no credential nor authority to preach Islam. But I have my right to praise the beauty of the Religion. To some of the non-Muslims, they may relate Islam with terrorism due to the propaganda of the west. Unfortunately in Malaysia the image of Islam too had been damaged lately because of politics. The major ruling party, in their bid to regain back the trust which had been eroded during the last general election had tried to play on the emotion of the muslim population. This can be seen in the case of a non-Muslim lawmaker entering the mosque, the mention
The Power of Drinks
There was this story of a very pious man....Then along came Satan...
Satan: I respect you as a very religious I believe I can get a good answer from you.
Man: I will
The Eyes never Lie
The Eye
The eyes will only tell you what it sees. Nothing more than that. And what you see may not be what you think it is. One thing for sure the eyes never lie. It is you that make the decision and a hasty decion may be very costly.
I give you an example of a hasty decision. You may think that the eye deceive you. Actually the eye did not deceive you.
Mr. Brain - The Doctor
Mr. Brain - The Doctor
It is said that the most intelligent person only uses 14% of the brain. So what about the rest of us. How much percentage of the brain did we use? And what about the balance of the 86% or so of the brain? Come to think about it, we also only use a very few percentage of the computer.
Well, forget about the balance. We better concentrate on the power of the brain and its ability tu cure our very own deseases, be it a simple headache or even cancer. Actually the brain can cure sickness. However we must have the WILL and the BELIEVE to make it effective. If we are able to do this, then we can safely say that we are using the additional percentage of the brain.
To some people I may be talking nonsense. But then there is no harm done in reading this article.

“Wahai Uthman, seandainya suatu hari nanti kamu dilantik oleh Allah mengendalikan urusan kepimpinan ini, dan kaum munafiq mahu menanggalkan pakaian engkau yang Allah pakaikan kepadamu, maka JANGANlah engkau menanggalkannya!” [riwayat Ibn Majah]